In The Neighbourhood

The Sunday Service
We gather for worship at 10:00am on Sundays, welcoming all people. Our services are respectfully structured with room for personal reflection. We use inclusive language. The sermon is a sincere exercise in engaging with the biblical heritage in an honest, informed way, such that living connections are made for people "on the journey". Prayers for others are led by volunteers from the congregation. The hymns are a mixture of traditional tunes with re-contextualised words and newer compositions from around the world. Generally, we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. Morning tea and coffee is served after each service. In our services we seek to manifest the 8 principles of the progressive Church movement. Click here to read the principles. Inspect the last twelve orders of service and sermons on our news page.
The stimulated mind
Knox has an increasingly extensive library of books covering theology, spirituality, art, and music, as well as a broad selection of children's books on a number of themes. We have good people who can help you find whatever reading material you need. The theological collection covers works from the conservative Calvin to the radical John Dominic Crossan. It's a very broad collection.
Knox Church runs public lectures, seminar series, and discussion groups on a frequent but irregular basis. For information about upcoming events, visit our News page.
The biblically engaged
The Bible study group (10:00am each Wednesday from mid February until mid November) is a small gathering of people who begin their weekly meeting in the Committee Room with tea and coffee, conversation about "how things are", and then launch into discussion on the major Bible readings for the following Sunday's morning service. The group manifests Knox's commitment to "offering a safe place of belonging to any who wish to explore their beliefs in an atmosphere promoting discussion, the development of healthy relationships and spiritual growth."

The burning sense of justice
Ecu-Action is an ecumenical group concerned with bringing matters of current events into dialogue with the living Christian tradition. Ecu-Action has been a major partner with Knox in organising various series of social justice seminars. Knox and Ecu-Action are exploring future opportunities to engage with the city of Christchurch beyond the elections. Passionately affirmed is the capacity of the Christian tradition to bring worthy insights into society's political dialogue.